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Tinnitus - Guide to treatment for ringing in the ears

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Understanding Tinnitus

Have you ever experienced ringing, buzzing or hissing in your ears? If so, you are not alone. Tinnitus is a common hearing complaint which affects 15-20% of the population. People with tinnitus experience ringing or other noises in one or both of their ears.
The team at Hidden Hearing can identify and treat this condition and provide you with relief.

Online tinnitus test

People with tinnitus often experience hearing loss too. Our quick online tinnitus test can help you understand if you might have tinnitus and / or hearing loss and what you can do about it.

Question 1 – Experiencing ringing or buzzing noises
Do you ever experience ringing or buzzing sounds in your ear(s) when no external sound is present?
Do you ever have trouble falling asleep or concentrating due to any ringing or buzzing sounds in your ear(s)?
Do you ever have trouble following conversations because you don’t hear properly?
Do you find yourself turning up the volume on the TV or radio louder than normal?

Your result:

Indications of tinnitus and hearing loss

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of tinnitus and hearing loss. We recommend that you visit one of our clinics. There are hearing aids that can treat your hearing loss and might give you relief from your tinnitus.*

Book a FREE hearing test in a clinic near you

* The result of the test may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

Indications of hearing loss

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of hearing loss but no symptoms of tinnitus. We recommend that you visit one of our clinics to to see if you have a hearing loss that should be treated.*

Book a FREE hearing test in a clinic near you

* The result of the test may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

Symptoms of tinnitus indicated

Your answers indicate that you may experience symptoms of tinnitus. We recommend that you read about tinnitus treatment options to learn about how to cope with and find relief from tinnitus symptoms.*

* The result of the test may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Your result:

No tinnitus or hearing loss indicated

Your answers indicate that you do not have tinnitus - or that you have non-bothersome tinnitus that is not currently affecting your everyday life. If you experience symptoms of tinnitus in the future, we recommend visiting your local health care provider.

* The result of the test may only be used for guidance. Official conclusions about hearing loss/tinnitus can be provided by our certified hearing care experts.

Step 1 of 3

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common hearing complaint which affects 15-20% of the population. People with tinnitus experience ringing or other noises in one or both of their ears. Tinnitus is characterised by a ringing, buzzing or humming sound in the ears, and can be frustrating and even debilitating. Sometimes, people with tinnitus describe it as a rushing or swishing sound, like the sound of water running, or a pinging or popping sound in the ears.

Tinnitus may cause continuous noises in the ears or may come and go in episodes. Either form of tinnitus can be very difficult to live with, and it is important to see an audiologist as soon as possible so that treatment options can be explored. Although there is no definitive cure for tinnitus in most cases, many therapies can be helpful, and an audiologist can help you find out more about these. 

Tinnitus can occur in one or both ears, or even inside the head. It is usually subjective, where the sufferer is the only one hearing the sounds in the ears or head, but in rare cases it may be objective, which means that the noises, which are produced by movement and blood flow in the body, are also audible to others.

Tinnitus causes

There are many possible causes of tinnitus. The most common cause is exposure to excessive noise, which damages the tiny hair cells in the inner ear. The ringing in your ears is the result of your brain trying to compensate for the loss of hair cells.  

Tinnitus is most common in people aged 40 years and older, with the likelihood of developing chronic tinnitus increasing in the older population. Many people who listen to loud music are also at a high risk of developing tinnitus symptoms.  

Common causes of ringing in the ears include: 

  1. Exposure to loud noise in a workplace setting or at a sporting event or concert. 
  2. The natural ageing process 
  3. Middle-ear infections or ear canal blockage due to buildup of fluid or ear wax.  
  4. Emotional distress 
  5. Diabetes, migraines, lupus, thyroid disorders and other chronic conditions. 
  6. Negative reactions to medicines, especially if taken at high doses.  
  7. Neck or head injuries 
  8. Eustachian tube dysfunction.  
  9. Other untreated medical conditions such as Ménière's disease, Otitis media (a middle-ear infection), etc. 

While tinnitus is a common health complaint, which even celebrities have suffered from, it is a condition which can be difficult to live with.  

 Is a hearing test relevant for you?


Tinnitus Symptoms

Tinnitus (pronounced tin-ni-tus) is commonly caused by hearing loss or an ear injury. Tinnitus is associated with age-related hearing loss and people who are aged 60 especially could go on to develop tinnitus. Tinnitus is often experienced as a ringing in the ears that only you can hear, but it could also be any of the following sounds:

  • Hissing
  • Buzzing
  • Whistling
  • Roaring
  • Ringing

People with tinnitus can also experience hearing loss. Research shows that most people with tinnitus have some degree of hearing loss without being aware of it, and many of them can benefit from hearing aids.

Hearing aids can help transmit more sounds into the ear and brain, thereby making the symptoms of tinnitus less bothersome. Moreover, improved hearing helps you to focus on sounds other than tinnitus, and for many people, this improvement is enough to experience relief. 

Signs and symptoms of hearing loss

Types of tinnitus

There are three types of tinnitus:

1. Subjective — the most common type of tinnitus, this is where only you can hear it.
2. Objective — when a doctor can hear the sounds when they examine your ears, this could be caused by a problem with the blood vessels, bones or muscles in your ear.

Pulsatile tinnitus

According to the American Tinnitus Association, the ‘perception of pulsing sounds, often in-beat with the patient's heartbeat’ is known as pulsatile tinnitus. 
This type of tinnitus is usually caused by a build-up of fluid in the inner ear, leading to conductive hearing loss when preventative action is not taken. The rhythmic sensation which is felt in the ear can be unsettling, and many patients with tinnitus may also be suffering from depression or anxiety. 

Pulsatile tinnitus can have a variety of causes, some of which can be potentially life-threatening. Sources can include vascular malformations, abnormal cerebral pressures, and unique blood flow patterns near the ear. The condition can also be caused when a tumor is present in the ear, which is why it is essential to get a free hearing test if you are experiencing any symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus. Always contact your doctor if tinnitus occurs with other symptoms. 

Tinnitus treatment and prevention

There is no cure for tinnitus, but there are many ways you can manage it and reduce its impact on your life. The following management techniques can be rather effective in turning a potentially negative and emotionally charged sound (tinnitus) into a neutral presence.

Illustration of man doing yoga
Relaxation and mindfulness
Yoga and meditation have been proven to be particularly effective in relieving tinnitus.
Illustration of man with headphones
Sound therapy
Can help reduce the contrast between tinnitus and quiet environments.
Illustration of shield with an ear
Hearing protection gear
Protection (such as earplugs) can help prevent further hearing damage caused by loud noise.
Illustration of hearing aid
Hearing aids
Can make your tinnitus stand out less by amplifying sounds. Some devices have built-in sound generators.

While tinnitus is an uncomfortable condition to suffer from, there are a variety of treatments that can remedy, or off-set, its effects. Tinnitus can be treated in the following ways: 

1) By removing wax from the ears 

2) By treating blood vessel conditions 

3) By fitting hearing aids - depending on the level of severity that the patient is experiencing. 

Tinnitus maskers 

Tinnitus maskers, or tinnitus noisers, can also be used to lessen the effects of Tinnitus. These are small white noise machines that work to "drown out" or overpower the internal sounds of your tinnitus. They can provide an effective treatment for tinnitus by cancelling out the sounds of tinnitus. 

Sound therapy can provide relief from ringing in the ears

Although sound therapy cannot eliminate tinnitus, it can be a helpful tool for managing the symptoms. With sound therapy, you listen to different, carefully selected sounds, which can help you feel that your tinnitus is reduced or temporarily gone.

It then becomes easier to move your attention away from your tinnitus. Plus, it helps you to focus on something more pleasant. You can find the sound therapy that gives you the most effective relief from ringing in the ears by working together with your hearing care expert.

Sound therapy can be provided through:

  • Tinnitus masking sound generator devices
  • Apps for tinnitus relief
  • Sound and sleep apps
  • Hearing aids with tinnitus sound therapy features

Gary's Tinnitus Story

Did you know that hearing aids have the ability to lessen the effects of tinnitus? Don't just take our word for it though, listen to what one of our patients has to say!

"It would nearly be like it would burst and then it would scream in my ears. But since I started wearing hearing aids, because they're blocking the sounds a little bit, I feel like everything around me is just so much clearer"

Are you unsure if you suffer from tinnitus? Take our online quiz today!


Tinnitus Test Hearing Aids for Tinnitus

Image shows two hearing aids next to the sea

Hearing aids for tinnitus

Hearing aids not only help with hearing loss, but they also simultaneously mask the sound of tinnitus by amplifying the sounds around you. This can result in reduced listening effort, a perceived reduction in tinnitus volume, and an improved ability to communicate with ease.

In addition, most of our hearing aids offer sound therapy sounds that are customized to your individual needs and preferences.

View a list of our hearing aids with tinnitus masking features:

Hearing aid brands and models

Woman audiologist with patient

Consequences of untreated tinnitus

Some tinnitus sufferers become sensitive to places with constant talking or loud music, so they begin to avoid such social situations altogether. To others, it is so disturbing that a full night’s sleep can become difficult to achieve. Tinnitus, if left untreated, can lead to the following consequences:

  • Anger
  • Concentration problems
  • Isolation
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity to places with constant talking or loud music
  • Sleep disorder, insomnia

Some people are able to ignore their tinnitus most of the time, but leaving it untreated can have a negative impact on your life if it is experienced over extended periods of time.

Online tinnitus test

Meet our diagnostic audiologist Gillian Mulryan

Gillian Mulryan is our Clinical Diagnostic Audiologist and is a cornerstone at Hidden Hearing. With a rich background including working at Beaumont Cochlear Implant Department and completing a vestibular placement at South Infirmary Hospital in Cork, she brings unparalleled expertise in audiometric applications and hearing aid technology. Gillian's multifaceted skills extend to every aspect of patient care, focusing on individualised and patient-centred approaches. She is especially interested in rehabilitating those with tinnitus symptoms. She is committed to employing the latest audiological practices to ensure optimal care. Her personal connection to hearing loss, through her sister's experience with profound impairment, fuels her passion for advancing hearing standards.

Tinnitus FAQ

audiologist male
Written by: Barry Douglas, audiologist
I became an audiologist to help change lives and to show people how hearing aids can greatly improve their quality of life. My work affords me the privilege of meeting, diagnosing, and treating patients of all ages with diverse audiological conditions. Not only that, but I also form life-long relationships with patients who avail of Hidden Hearing's free aftercare services, which is incredibly rewarding.

Last reviewed 2024-07-01