Hearing assessments conducted by our diagnostic audiologists
Otoscopy & Video Otoscopy
Video otoscopy is an advanced test providing a detailed view inside your ear using a video endoscope. This is a non-invasive procedure that allows us to visually examine the condition of your ear canal and eardrum. This procedure helps your clinician to identify any potential problems such as blockages, irritations, infections, or other abnormalities. Followed by manual otoscopy, video otoscopy is an essential tool for accurate diagnosis and determining effective hearing care management.
Tympanometry is an invaluable objective test for evaluating the functionality of your middle ear. By measuring how your eardrum responds to changing air pressure it forms part of our diagnosis in detecting problems like fluid buildup in the middle ear, eustachian tube dysfunction, or ear drum perforations. Understanding these issues are crucial for our diagnostic evaluation and for addressing hearing loss or discomfort caused by middle ear problems.
Pure Tone Audiometry (air conduction, bone-conduction, with/without masking)
Pure-tone audiometry is a behavioural test used to measure an individual’s hearing threshold level. It is carried out in two parts, firstly using ear inserts (air conduction testing) and secondly using a headband (bone conduction testing) to measure the softest sounds you can hear over many different frequencies. This test helps to establish the degree and type of hearing loss presenting. The results are recorded on a graph called an audiogram.
Speech Audiometry and Audible Contrast Threshold Testing
Our ability to recognise and understand speech is fundamental to daily communication. Speech audiometry can include a collection of tests including speech in quiet and speech in noise assessments. At Hidden Hearing we go beyond the audiogram when testing your hearing ability. This assessment is valuable as it helps us identify what you will need from hearing aid technology (where applicable) and how successful it will be. Most speech audiometry assessments will use speech as the stimulus to test your ability to distinguish words in various sound scenes. Where this is not possible, or where English is not your native language, your audiologist may opt to use ACT (Audible Contrast Threshold) speech in noise testing. This allows us to see how much help you need to hear clearly in noisy environments.
Therapeutic Services
Ear Wax Removal
Ear wax plays an important role in our ear health.
It is naturally produced to help clean your ears and protect them from dust,
dirt, and infection. However, excessive wax may lead to discomfort, pain,
itchiness, and reduced hearing. Our expert wax removal service is performed
with qualified and competent clinicians. They will discuss with you, the best
method to safely remove excess ear wax from your ear canal using safe and
minimally invasive modern techniques. At Hidden Hearing we offer wax removal
via irrigation, dry extraction, and micro-suction. Management of excessive wax
will help mitigate against many auditory issues.
Tinnitus Evaluation and Management
Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence
of any external noise. It is commonly referred to as ‘ringing in my ears’ but
may also present as a buzzing, hissing, chirping sound along with others. It is
usually a symptom of an underlying cause which may include hearing loss, ear
infections, medications, wax blockage, or even stress. Tinnitus can be
experienced intermittently or continuously and can present in one ear or two
ears. It can be distressing and debilitating. Whilst there is no known cure for
tinnitus, we can carry out a thorough assessment to better understand your
tinnitus experience to advise a suitable model of therapy and/or management
plan where possible. This may include
reviewing hearing aid technology, counselling, behavioural strategies and/or
lifestyle adjustments to help alleviate your symptoms.
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