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Request an earwax removal appointment today

A buildup of ear wax can cause a range of hearing problems from mild to severe. 

We use the latest technology and we carry out best practices in Ear Irrigation and Microsuction as appropriate.

Book your painless earwax removal today.

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Hearing loss or is it just earwax?

Ear wax is a naturally occurring substance in the ear canal. It’s actually good for your ears, helping to keep the skin healthy and prevent infection at the same time. Earwax also assists/helps in the cleaning and lubrication of the ear canal. Some people suffer from excessive earwax, and this can be managed by the use of drops or irrigation. Wax can cause hearing loss, and it can interfere with a hearing test or the use of a hearing aid.

How much is an ear wax removal? 

Our ear wax consultation and ear wax removal fee is €70 for both. Your wax consultation fee covers the discussion, assessment by screening, removal of any wax, video otoscopy, a general ear health check-up, and any advice needed. Patients will only be charged half the fee if no wax is present in the ears.

Ireland AM - Expert Ear Wax Removal

Chief audiologist Tim Pringle and expert wax removal technician Donal Breheny recently appeared on Ireland AM to remove presenter Martin King's earwax.

Watch how easy and painless the procedure can be!


Book your earwax removal

"I can hear clearly now the wax is gone." - Martin King, TV Presenter, Ireland AM

Unblock earwax, audiologist with patient

Book an ear wax removal appointment

You can book a quick and easy earwax removal service with the team at Hidden Hearing. Until now, earwax removal options have been expensive, but Hidden Hearing offers an affordable solution.

"I was happy with the process and no discomfort." Michael O'Neill

Our professional ear wax removal services

In most cases, ear wax works its way out on its own, and there is no need to remove it. However, if ear wax is blocking your ear canal and causing hearing loss, it may require removal using one of the following methods:

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1. Microsuction

Microsuction is the safest and quickest method of earwax removal. This method is also used to safely remove foreign bodies present in the ear canal.

Wax is basically a self-cleaning service for our ears, and it protects the sensitive ear canal from things like bacteria and debris (which can cause infections). Never put anything in your ear yourself, and, if you are bothered by the feeling of a blockage, just see your GP or a hearing care specialist.

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2. Ear Irrigation

Ear irrigation is a procedure where water (at body temperature) is injected into the ear by the irrigator, which controls the water pressure, to ensure that reduces the chance of the ear being damaged. Under the gentle force of the water, the earwax is softened and dislodged, and the wax is carried out of the ear.

As well as being fully qualified, our audiologists receive additional specialist training in both ear Irrigation and "dry mopping" (which keeps the discharging ear dry) from Aston University Birmingham & Newcastle University.

Book an earwax removal

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Earwax removal methods we recommend avoiding:

Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

Since ear wax is necessary, you shouldn’t clean it too much; you simply don’t need to. However, you can wipe away any visible excess earwax using a wet cloth. But - do not use cotton swabs!

Cotton swabs are not the best way to clean your ears. They may look soft, but they are made from artificial fibers that can scratch and inflame the sensitive skin inside the ear canal, making it more vulnerable to infection.

If you think you have a blockage in your ear canal or think you are experiencing excessive ear wax, then you should consult a hearing care expert to receive professional ear cleaning. Instead of cleaning out the earwax, it is pushed deeper into the ear.

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Ear syringing

The traditional method for ear wax removal that you or your family might have experienced many years ago was “syringing”. This was a high-pressure washing method that could lead to some complications. Today, modern technology has now outdated and replaced this procedure. At Hidden Hearing, we only use the latest technology and clinical protocols to give you the best outcomes. We have never nor will we ever use the ear syringing method because of the issues that might arise.


FAQ About Ear wax Removal

Terms and conditions

An appointment is necessary for earwax removal. Our earwax consultation and earwax removal fee is €70 for both. Your wax consultation fee of €70 covers the discussion, assessment by screening, removal of any wax (whether present or not), video otoscopy and a general ear health check-up, as well as any professional advice provided by one of our experts. At Hidden Hearing, we use the latest technology, and we carry out best practices in ear irrigation and Microsuction, as appropriate. Payments can be made with either credit card or cash. 

Call 1 800 818 808 to book your appointment - or book your appointment online.