earwax build up or tinnitus woman holding ear

Tinnitus? Or Maybe, It Could Be Just A Build Up Of Earwax….

Contributed by Sarah Sheehan

17/06/2021 • 2 min read

Tags • Tinnitus

Many people in Ireland suffer from tinnitus and usually describe it as a ringing, buzzing or whistling noise. It is surprisingly common, with around 18% of the population find that they can suffer from it at some stage in their lives. Having a quick hearing test in one of our 80 clinics nationwide will help you determine if you have tinnitus. If you have a compacted ear full of earwax, it can lead you to suffer from ringing or buzzing noises similar to those symptoms of tinnitus.

We can also check if you have a build up of earwax if you book a free hearing test

Noise Induced Hearing Loss & Tinnitus

A recent survey just done by Empathy Research on behalf of Hidden Hearing found that – Four in ten (42) have experienced ringing and buzzing in their ears and risk causing permanent damage to their ears. Tinnitus (ringing in ears) usually begins at 127 dB and can be an early indicator of hearing loss– Four in ten (42) have experienced ringing and buzzing in their ears and risk causing permanent damage to their ears. Tinnitus (ringing in ears) usually begins at 127 dB and can be an early indicator of hearing loss. Surprisingly Almost one in ten people aged 25-34 years would not be worried if they had permanent ringing or buzzing in their ears: demonstrating a clear lack of awareness of the damage and risks associated with sustained exposure to loud noise.

There is nothing wrong with listening to music but keep the volume level at a safe decibel. When attending concerts and music gigs, just position yourself well away from loudspeakers & this will reduce the chances of damage to your eardrums. Limiting your use of iPods, MP3s and other personal music devices, as well as lowering the volume, will also help reduce the impact of loud prolonged music that could lead to the development of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus can vary in severity and even though most people have a relatively mild form, it can have a big impact on their quality of life. Tinnitus is a physical condition. In other words, it is not something you imagine. There are a number of possible causes, but it is quite often associated with hearing loss..

It Could Just Be A Build Up Of Earwax?

As mentioned before, if you have a build up of too much earwax you can experience Tinnitus like symptoms. Here at Hidden Hearing we use the latest ear irrigation method, a controlled liquid flushing process which is less invasive than other methods and is virtually pain free. Ear irrigation may be needed if ear drops do not work. The ear canal is washed out with warm water. Irrigating the ear with water will usually clear plugs of earwax and it is only safe if the plug of earwax has been softened. Use ear drops (such as olive oil ear drops) to soften wax 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days before you have ear irrigation with your Hidden Hearing Earwax Removal Specialist.

If you suffer from Tinnitus or think that you are suffering from it, you could benefit from having earwax removal from Hidden Hearing.

Book earwax removal

audiologist male
Written by: Sarah Sheehan, Chief Audiologist, ISHAA Member
Sarah Sheehan is an esteemed member of our HR, L&D and Compliance Department, who joined Hidden Hearing in 2018 as an audiologist. Sarah’s career has seen her work in a wide range of areas within the company and she is committed to providing education about audiology and keeping abreast of current audiology trends.